Results for 'Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld'

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  1. Ephesians.John Muddiman & Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld - 2001
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    N1 enhancement in synesthesia during visual and audio–visual perception in semantic cross-modal conflict situations: an ERP study.Christopher Sinke, Janina Neufeld, Daniel Wiswede, Hinderk M. Emrich, Stefan Bleich, Thomas F. Münte & Gregor R. Szycik - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  3. Warum Fichte? Ein Pläyoder für das transzendentalphilosophische Denken mit Blick auf die Wissenschaftslehre von 1802.Thomas Sören Hoffmann - 2016 - In Johann Gottlieb Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1812: Vermächtnis und Herausforderung des transzendentalen Idealismus. Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    Biases and suboptimal choice by animals suggest that framing effects may be ubiquitous.Thomas R. Zentall - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e246.
    Framing effects attributed to “quasi-cyclical” irrational complex human preferences are ubiquitous biases resulting from simpler mechanisms that can be found in other animals. Examples of such framing effects vary from simple learning contexts, to an analog of human gambling behavior, to the value added to a reinforcer by the effort that went into obtaining it.
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    Macphail (1987) Revisited: Pigeons Have Much Cognitive Behavior in Common With Humans.Thomas R. Zentall - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The hypothesis proposed by Macphail is that differences in intelligent behavior thought to distinguish different species were likely attributed to differences in the context of the tasks being used. Once one corrects for differences in sensory input, motor output, and incentive, it is likely that all vertebrate animals have comparable intellectual abilities. In the present article I suggest a number of tests of this hypothesis with pigeons. In each case, the evidence suggests that either there is evidence for the cognitive (...)
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    (2 other versions)Social learning mechanisms.Thomas R. Zentall - 2011 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 12 (2):233-261.
    Social influence and social learning are important to the survival of many organisms, and certain forms of social learning also may have important implications for their underlying cognitive processes. The various forms of social influence and learning are discussed with special emphasis on the mechanisms that may be responsible for opaque imitation. Three procedures are examined, the results of which may qualify as opaque imitation: the bidirectional control procedure, the two- action procedure, and the do-as-I-do procedure. Variables that appear to (...)
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  7. Sartre: A Philosophical Biography.Thomas R. Flynn - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. Regarded as the father of existentialist philosophy, he was also a political critic, moralist, playwright, novelist, and author of biographies and short stories. Thomas R. Flynn provides the first book-length account of Sartre as a philosopher of the imaginary, mapping the intellectual development of his ideas throughout his life, and building a narrative that is not only philosophical but also attentive to the political and literary dimensions (...)
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    The Social and Political Thought of Benedict Xvi.Thomas R. Rourke - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Covering the entire trajectory of his religious life, this book identifies and analyzes the foundations of political and social order in the philosophy of Pope Benedict XVI. Thomas R. Rourke explains Benedict's belief in the value of the Christian tradition's contribution to a contemporary politics of reason.
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    Competition theory, evolution, and the concept of an ecological niche.Thomas R. Alley - 1982 - Acta Biotheoretica 31 (3):165-179.
    This article examines some of the main tenets of competition theory in light of the theory of evolution and the concept of an ecological niche. The principle of competitive exclusion and the related assumption that communities exist at competitive equilibrium - fundamental parts of many competition theories and models - may be violated if non-equilibrium conditions exist in natural communities or are incorporated into competition models. Furthermore, these two basic tenets of competition theory are not compatible with the theory of (...)
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  10. Sartre and Marxist Existentialism: The Test Case of Collective Responsibility.Thomas R. Flynn - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 21 (2):123-124.
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    Memory in the pigeon: Proactive inhibition in a delayed matching task.Thomas R. Zentall & David E. Hogan - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (2):109-112.
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    The assessment of intentionality in animals.Thomas R. Zentall - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (4):663-663.
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  13. Paternalism in public health care.Thomas R. V. Nys - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (1):64-72.
    University of Utrecht, Department of Philosophy, Heidelberglaan 6, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 30 253 28 74, Email: Thomas.Nys{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//-->Measures in public health care seem vulnerable to charges of paternalism: their aim is to protect, restore, or promote people's health, but the public character of these measures seems to leave insufficient room for respect for individual autonomy. This paper wants to explore three challenges to these charges: Measures in (...)
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    The promiscuity of bootstrapping.Thomas R. Grimes - 1987 - Philosophical Studies 51 (1):101 - 107.
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    Making of Western Indology: Henry Thomas Colebrooke and the East India Company. By Rosane Rocher and Ludo Rocher.Thomas R. Trautmann - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    The Making of Western Indology: Henry Thomas Colebrooke and the East India Company. By Rosane Rocher and Ludo Rocher. Royal Asiatic Society Books. London: Routledge, 2012. Pp. xv + 238, 5 plates. $145.
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  16. Aristotle's understanding of place.Thomas R. Larson - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (3):439-462.
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    Ästhetik der Begegnung: Kunst als Erfahrungsraum der Anderen.Thomas R. Huber - 2013 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Wie wird Kunst in sozialen Prozessen wirksam? Welche Rolle spielen Stereotypen in der Begegnung? Wie hängen Wahrnehmen und Handeln zusammen? Dieses Buch ist ein Plädoyer für die Bilder im Zeitalter großer sozio-politischer Wandlungen. Arbeiten von Tania Bruguera, Isaac Julien, Nikki S. Lee, Teresa Margolles, Adrian Piper, Santiago Sierra und Lorna Simpson werden als performative Räume erschlossen. In den Bildern kommen andere Menschen sehr nahe und die am Werk Teilhabenden begegnen sich selbst in ihnen. Begehren und Diskriminieren der Anderen werden als (...)
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    What Adam Smith Really Thought Should Not Matter.Thomas R. Wells - 2019 - Business Ethics Journal Review 7 (7):40-46.
    Hühn and Dierksmeier argue that a better understanding of Adam Smith’s work would improve business ethics research and education. I worry that their approach encourages two scholarly sins. First, anachronistic historiography in which we distort Smith’s ideas by making him answer questions about contemporary debates in CSR theory. Second, treating him as a prophet by assuming that finding out what Smith would have thought about it is the right way to answer such questions.
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    Dynamic models of behavior: Promising but risky.Thomas R. Alley - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):94-94.
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  20. Foucault and the Spaces of History.Thomas R. Flynn - 1991 - The Monist 74 (2):165-186.
    Michel Foucault was a kaleidoscopic thinker. He gathered the received opinions, established norms and major facts of our cultural heritage and shifted the ensemble ever so slightly. The results were startlingly new configurations. What had been perceived as necessary relationships, inviolable limits, pivotal events, emerged in this altered perspective as contingencies that supported quite different descriptions. This might simply be subsumed by some narrativist theory as evidence that a variety of stories can incorporate the same facts. But Foucault shifts the (...)
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    Saint Thomas and the Aristotelian Metaphysics: Some Observations.Thomas R. Heath - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (4):438-460.
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  22. Sartre and the Poetics of History.Thomas R. Flynn - 1992 - In Christina Howells (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Sartre. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 216.
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  23. Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason, vol. 1 : Toward an Existentialist Theory of History.Thomas R. Flynn - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):498-500.
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    Russell on Particularized Relations.Thomas R. Foster - 1983 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 3 (2):129.
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    Impact of Loop Statistics on the Thermodynamics of RNA Folding.Thomas R. Einert, Paul M. Näger, Henri Orland & Roland R. Netz - 2008 - Physical Review Letters 101 (4):048103.
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    (1 other version)Sartre on Violence, Foucault on Power--A Diagnostic.Thomas R. Flynn - 1998 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 10 (2):128-151.
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    Russell's "Do Differences Differ?".Thomas R. Foster - 2009 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 29 (2).
    This paper examines one of Russell’s views, held about the turn of the century, found in a short, unpublished manuscript entitled “Do Differences Differ?”. This work was one of Russell’s early attempts to focus solely on the issue of whether relations were universal or specific relations. Written before The Principles of Mathematics, the manuscript can serve as a step toward that work. To provide a framework for our discussion, we look at aspects of his yet earlier views on this matter. (...)
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    Ethics under fire: challenges for the Australian Army.Thomas R. Frame & Albert Palazzo (eds.) - 2017 - Sydney, New South Wales: University of New South Wales Press.
    The 1968 My Lai Massacre in South Vietnam and shocking events at Abu Graibh prison in Iraq in 2003 show that the behaviour of some in the American military has descended into barbarism. How strong is the military's commitment to avoiding misconduct and atrocity? This timely and compelling book asks critical questions and raises sobering issues the Australian Army can't ignore. Leading military personnel, aid workers, commentators and scholars discuss the Australian Army's commitment to behaving ethically and the challenges associated (...)
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    The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture: Glossing the "Libro de buen amor," (review).Thomas R. Hart - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):381-382.
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  30. Hinweise zu den Autorinnen und Autoren.Thomas R. Baldwin - 2004 - In Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep (eds.), Hegels Erbe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. pp. 431.
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    Inquiry into Meaning and Truth.R. S. D. Thomas - 1990 - Philosophia Mathematica (1-2):73-87.
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    The challenge of representational redescription.Thomas R. Shultz - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):728-729.
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    Roland Barthes Vu Par Roland Barthes.Thomas R. Smith - 1994 - Semiotics:118-134.
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    Is there a need to distinguish instrumental copying behavior from traditions?Thomas R. Zentall - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e274.
    The authors make a distinction between instrumental copying behavior in which there is a clear reward for the copying behavior and social copying (traditions) in which the rewards for copying are less clear. However, I see no reason to distinguish between the two. We are social animals, for whom copying traditions have important rewards, those of affiliation.
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  35. Sartre and Marxist Existentialism the Test Case of Collective Responsibility /Thomas R. Flynn. --. --.Thomas R. Flynn - 1984 - University of Chicago Press, 1984.
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    “Bouncing back” from a loss: A statistical artifact.Thomas R. Zentall - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (5):384-386.
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  37. Praxis and Vision: Elements of a Sartrean Epistemology.Thomas R. Flynn - 1976 - Philosophical Forum 8 (1):21.
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    Nietzsche’s Protestant Fathers: A Study in Prodigal Christianity.Thomas R. Nevin - 2018 - Routledge.
    Nietzsche was famously an atheist, despite coming from a strongly Protestant family. This heritage influenced much of his thought, but was it in fact the very thing that led him to his atheism? This work provides a radical re-assessment of Protestantism by documenting and extrapolating Nietzsche's view that Christianity dies from the head down. That is, through Protestantism's inherent anarchy. In this book, Nietzsche is put into conversation with the initiatives of several powerful thinking writers; Luther, Boehme, Leibniz, and Lessing. (...)
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    Cover Image.R. Guy Thomas - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (4):i-i.
    The cover image is based on the Original Article Whistleblowing and power: A network perspective by R. Guy Thomas, image.
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  40. Why is ethnocentrism more common than humanitarianism.Thomas R. Shultz, Max Hartshorn & Artem Kaznatcheev - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2100--2105.
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    A Theory of Personalism.Thomas R. Rourke & Rosita A. Chazarreta Rourke - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    This distinctive and contemporary departure from hackneyed discussions of political theory introduces readers to a contemporary personalism rooted in the work of Bartolome de Las Casas and emerging again in the contributions of Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin as well as the liberation theology of Gustavo Guiterrez and Jon Sobrino. Thomas R. Rourke and Rosita A. Chazarreta Rourke introduce readers to new sources of personalism by investigating and revising the intellectual history of this theory and its development.
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    The metaphysics of William James and John Dewey.Thomas R. Martland - 1963 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  43. Lyotard and history without witnesses.Thomas R. Flynn - 2002 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Lyotard: Philosophy, Politics and the Sublime. New York: Routledge. pp. 8--151.
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    Sartre.Thomas R. Flynn - 1998 - In Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder (eds.), A Companion to Continental Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 256–268.
    The political notoriety and literary fame of Jean‐Paul Sartre (1905–80) (he was awarded but refused the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962) have tended to eclipse his philosophical accomplishments, at least in the eyes of the public at large. This is unfortunate, since Sartre's philosophical writings are original and insightful, especially in those areas where the philosophy of being (ontology), philosophical psychology, and ethics overlap – the very space in which the literary imagination operates. In fact, there is probably no (...)
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  45. The later Satre: from phenomenology to Hermeneutics to dialectic and back.Thomas R. Flynn - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  46. The meanness is (not entirely) in the system.Thomas R. Flynn - 2010 - In James R. Watson (ed.), Metacide: In the Pursuit of Excellence. Rodopi.
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    The Problem of Free Interaction in Fichte and Sartre.Thomas R. Flynn - 2015 - In Violetta L. Waibel (ed.), Fichte Und Sartre Über Freiheit: Das Ich Und der Andere. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 143-162.
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    The Use and Abuse of Utopias.Thomas R. Flynn - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (3):235-264.
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  49. Organism-environment mutuality epistemics, and the concept of an ecological niche.Thomas R. Alley - 1985 - Synthese 65 (3):411 - 444.
    The concept of an ecological niche (econiche) has been used in a variety of ways, some of which are incompatible with a relational or functional interpretation of the term. This essay seeks to standardize usage by limiting the concept to functional relations between organisms and their surroundings, and to revise the concept to include epistemic relations. For most organisms, epistemics are a vital aspect of their functional relationships to their surroundings and, hence, a major determinant of their econiche. Rejecting the (...)
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    Placebo treatment is effective differently in different diseases — but is it also harmless? A brief synopsis.Thomas R. Weihrauch - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):151-155.
    The placebo drug reactions from controlled trials were studied for the first time systematically for efficacy and the safety in drug data pooled from randomized, placebo-controlled, multicentre studies. Results: The efficacy of placebo on clinical symptoms and outcome varied between the therapeutic indications. However, no placebo effects on laboratory values, as e.g. blood glucose or Hb1c in diabetics, were noted. The frequency and type of placebo-induced adverse reactions also varied between indication groups. The placebo side effect profile was largely similar (...)
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